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~枫言枫语~ 帅?可爱?神秘?忧郁?安静?陌生?忙碌?成熟?多愁善感?难以了解?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Two-Sided Poem

I saw her today.
I saw him today.

It's been a while.
It seems like centuries.

She looked okay.
I couldn't stop staring.

We talked for a while.
He looked so fined.

She kept looking at me and I wondered why.
He wouldn't look me in the eye and i wondered why.

She asked me how I was and I told her about my new girlfriend.
He asked me if i had a boyfriend, and i told him I didn't.

I pretended like I cared.
I pretended like I didn't care.

She looked different than she used to.
He looked better than ever.

I gave her a friendly hug good-bye.
We held each other one more time.

And then I went surfing.
And then I went home and cried.

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