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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

过程与成果 Process and Result

Let's see the process before looking at my result.
*下定决心的那一刻 (Made my decision)
*定下目标的那一刻 (Set Target)
*乱哈啦的那一刻 (Simply Write)
*心情好的那一刻 (Good Feeling)
*结束的那一刻 (End)

From a crap result to a great result!
4A,2B,2C,1E,1G to 4A+,4A,3A- !
Can u see how BIG is the difference?!

Now i'm having too much thing in my mind.
Sorry if i don't write this post in nice arrangement.

I will go in details by each subject.

Delta的Grace Tay 教得真的很好!我的国语有如此有优秀的成绩,真的很感谢这位老师。我也庆幸我自己有常做她给的功课。如果不是这位老师教导有方,我的成绩才不会这么好。




这一科,我一直以来的成绩也不是很好,甚至可以算是差。我会考到好成绩是因为最后几个月拼命做练习和去上Delta的Sejarah incentive class (Mr. Vela) 才会进步的。这一科是“死”的,所以只要多做练习就能够考试了。


高级数学:Add Maths(A-)
从中四开始,最让我头痛的一科,也是最不喜欢的一科。有时候考试时,我会做试卷做到头痛头晕。我做练习时,脾气也会变暴躁,不可以让别人打扰我。从中四到中五,我只有FAIL的份,甭想A了。到了中五最后第三个考试时,有位同班同学告诉我一句话:“如果你要让这科进步,那么这次的考试就完全不要去理其他科目,只要专心,拼命做这一个科目的练习题就够了。大胆去做!”一开始,我真的没办法接收他这种说法,不过后来我还是放胆去做。然后,我的成绩就从G(Fail)进步到C。接下来的考试,我也继续做练习题,成绩从C进步到B。然后就是SPM考试了,我就考到A-了。当然,我也要谢谢Pn. Kawsalya和Delta的Mr. Low教我这一科。但我觉得Mr. Low教会我更多人生的道理,是他真正让我感觉到SPM的重要性。

三个科学科目中,我比较不喜欢的一科。不过这科的成绩总是比化学和生物好。我也不知道什么原因。感谢Mr. Wong和Alfa的Alfred教我这一科。我也是做很多练习题,才能让成绩进步的。

要感谢Pn. Tan和Delta的Linda教我。虽然我常常在这两位老师教课时睡觉,不过我还是能吸收她们教的大部分的知识。然后,拼命做练习题,让自己进步。

要谢谢Cik Noretna这位好老师。她教课很不错,不过我也常在她的课睡觉。也是靠做多多练习才进步的。

真的很感谢Delta的Mr. Sugu。因为他,我才能学会Acc。喜欢他的教学和他给的笔记,对考试很有帮助。也是要常做练习题。


Sorry that i lazy to translate everything into English version.
So i will conclude it in English.

Conclusion: There's no shortcut in study!
About 2 or 3 months before SPM exam, I drew a guidance table and stick it on the window. It is to make sure i complete at least 2 or 3 set of pass year questions paper everyday, so that i can see how am i progressing. I also pasted a lot of papers on the wall and windows in my house so that i keep on concentrating on SPM preparation. Some motivation words like "Gambateh!", "11A+", "There's nothing impossible.","I am, I will, I can!",...... and so many of the aspiration quotes were written on those papers i pasted. I also pasted papers that have many formulas written on them so that i can revise anytime when i walk by. That's the environment where i studied for SPM! I have done so damn many exercise books for SPM! That's a MUST! Practice makes BETTER! (not perfect, because i don't believe there's anything is perfect) I also "closed" FB for half year(from June to December) to concentrate on study. Glad that i did it! Last but not least, STAY CALM when sitting for exam. If u nervous, it may ruin your result even though u studied so hard! Remember Don't Fall Sick during exam!

I was quite worried when i got Chicken Pox before SPM exam because i sick until very hard to talk, walk, eat. I can't do anything during that time! And i haven't done my revision. That's killing me! Chicken Pox "steal" many precious time from me. Still I'm grateful that I got Chicken Pox before exam but not during SPM exam. =] Happy Go Lucky!

Special thanks to all my family members, my friends and my classmates! You all have helped me a lot! I don't want to elaborate it already because this post is too long! I'm really grateful and thankful. This straight As is NOT only owned by myself only. Lots of ppl helped me! Thx!

That's ME!
Nothing is Impossible!
I can do anything if i decided to work on it!
Don't ever challenge me, you will regret for it!
Straight As, I LOVE YOU!

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